with Theresa Holleran
“Except for the point, the still point, there would be no dance, and there is only the dance.”
T.S. Eliott
Carl Jung believed that the culmination of the Soul’s journey is the integration of opposites within the psyche: feminine/masculine; conscious/unconscious; divine/human. Each of us, regardless of our gender identity or sexual preference, must grapple with the inner dance of Feminine and Masculine energies in our search for wholeness and the well-lived life.
This movement from opposition to paradox is no easy task. The journey is often littered with inner and outer conflicts, positive and negative projections, longings, and disappointments, as we find our way out of the madness, confusion, and darkness of opposing values, desires, ideals and possibilities, into the evolutionary leap of the Sacred Inner Marriage.
Join us for an evening of myth, dreaming, storytelling, poetry, lecture and dialogue as we explore the creative, transformative, and visionary potential of the Conscious Feminine and Masculine within each of us. We will investigate how the Feminine and Masculine archetypes, in both their positive and negative aspects, inform our sense of meaning, purpose and wholeness, the quality of our relationships, and our ability to tend to the “soul of the world” in the face of seemingly insurmountable global dilemmas.
Theresa Holleran L.C.S.W is a Depth Psychotherapist, teacher, and facilitator with over 40 years experience. She has taught graduate courses in Transpersonal Psychology, Eco-psychology, and Process Work, and has co-created national and international retreats and sacred journeys in both urban and wilderness settings on themes of embodied healing and transformation, suffering, wisdom and resilience, and the Sacred Inner Marriage. She currently works with individuals, relationships, groups and communities in her private group practice at Mountain Lotus Counseling in Salt Lake City. Her work is predicated on knowing that each person has an inherent destiny that can be revealed through the exploration of the unconscious and its effects on consciousness and that personal individuation is directly tied to the fate of our planet.