Theresa: 801-558-8831 | Sharon: 307-690-1877

Specialties & Services


We Work With Individuals, Couples, Families, & Groups

“Beginnings are apt to be
shadowy and foggy.”

— Anonymous

Getting Started

When we embark on the start of therapy it can be a daunting step, but the heroic choice  is asking for help.  In my work, most couples come into therapy seven years too late and often comment, “we wish we had made the choice years ago.”

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”

— Lao Tzu

Changing Direction

Often we continue patterns that keep us stuck. In our younger years, we adopt and develop stories and beliefs about how things work – which serve us well as we grow up. Some of those beliefs are the source of what hold us back and therapy is a chance to investigate those beliefs and update with a new story.

“When we try to do something new, we don’t know what we are doing. That’s the biggest challenge.”


Making The Shift

Listening and honoring your inner dialogue allows you the chance to challenge the reality of your story and your relationship stories and create a new narrative–one that can provide more meaning in your work, your relationships and your own experience.

Individual Therapy

Clients come to individual therapy for a variety of reasons which range from dealing with life transitions , losses, grief or just simply searching for purpose. Working on you is also working on your relationships. Many of my clients have expressed the sentiment”If my partner won’t come to therapy then I’m not sure it will make a difference.” Actually research states that working on you can dramatically change the way you show up in relationship with your partner”. Strained relationships happen for many reasons and the struggle of a relationship can be a source of great anguish. Most of us have to work consciously to master the skills necessary to flourish in our partnerships. Taking the step to individual therapy can be a gateway for personal growth and happiness.

Couples Therapy

You might ask…”What is the most compelling fact about couples therapy” The answer is couples come seven years to late. In individual therapy you unpack your own baggage… in couples therapy both of you bring your joys and struggles into the session. It is important to note… You and your partner do not have to be in dire distress to come to couples therapy. I view couples work as something good for ongoing health – similar to making your preventative medical appointments to ensure ongoing wellness. The same goes for couples therapy… I ask many couples how they would rate their partnership if there was an imaginary report card. What is surprising is many have different viewpoints on the state of their companionship. This discrepancy often times opens a doorway for a new and real conversation , one that can solidify communication and disagreements. My process is to help couples slow down and listen to each other so that resentments do not brew and percolate. My goal is to help couples take their relationship from good to great.

Family Therapy

The primary goal of family therapy is to help you and other members of the family improve communication, solve family conflicts and understand  differences. What does this look like in the session? The answer is… helping each family member to maintain a sense of self even if this means sharing a conflict or a complaint – and still remain emotionally connected to their family. The capacity to allow others to be different without losing it can be a daunting task. I have a way to soften the conversation and allow others to share their perspectives. As Maya Angelow says “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” Family therapy provides a doorway to establish a new conversation and a new way for connection. 

Our Expertise

Relationship Issues

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Eating Disorders

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Contact Us

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

Theresa Holleran

11 + 12 =

Phone: 801-558-8831

Sharon Walls

11 + 14 =

Phone: 307-690-1877

Address: 150 S 600 E, Ste 7C | Salt Lake City, Utah 84102